KKK recruiting fliers found in Newton County

NEWTON COUNTY, Ga. — Neighbors in a Newton County subdivision found recruiting fliers from the Ku Klux Klan in their driveways over the weekend.

County deputies are keeping an eye on the situation but said, so far, distributing the fliers is not a crime. Channel 2's Richard Elliot showed a resident the fliers left on driveways in the Chestnut Corners subdivision.

"I think it's ridiculous. I mean, it's ludicrous," resident Ledrick Thomason said.

Thomason has lived in the area for 11 years and said it's a racially diverse neighborhood.

"Everyone here has been unified and, you know, everyone's friendly and neighborly, so I don't understand this.  This has to be someone that's come from outside the neighborhood," Thomason said.
Deputies said they found four of the fliers on Cashew Court.  Someone put them in plastic bags, then placed them in driveways and used a rock to weigh them down.  And they say right now, it doesn't look like anyone committed a crime.

"This is not actually a crime, solicitation-type, recruitment-type flier.  The flier did not contain threats of any kind. (It was) more or less a recruitment flier," Newton County Sheriff's Office Det. Courtney Morrison said.

Deputies will continue to watch the neighborhood, but they added that there are currently no active KKK chapters in the county. Thomason doesn't like the fliers on his street, but doesn't think there's much he can do about them.

"That's something we should be trying to come together on and be a more unified people, you know?  They have a right to, I guess," he said.