Gingrich calls Obama incompetent radical

ATLANTA,None — Republican presidential candidate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich stumped in Cobb County on Thursday, saying he can easily defeat President Barack Obama.

"Beating Obama will be easy," Gingrich said. "Obama is a disaster. He is an incompetent radical."

Fourteen years after his last speech to the Cobb Chamber of Commerce, Gingrich was back in the district where he once served. Channel 2's Carol Sbarge went to the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, where Gingrich held his breakfast speech.

Gingrich criticized Republicans for not having a vision and said it's time to control spending, reform government and balance the federal budget. Gingrich admitted he has to win the Georgia primary on Super Tuesday to be a credible candidate.

One woman at the event said she worries Gingrich doesn't have enough money to compete with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

"Deep pockets can make it or break it," said Gail Holmon, a real estate agent.

Meanwhile, Channel 2's John Bachman was a last-minute campaign stop for Rick Santorum at the DeKalb Peachtree Airport. Santorum said he doesn't have as much money as Romney, but still has a fighting chance.

"Look, I don't have billionaires giving me tens of billions of dollars in super PACS. We raised $9 million in the last month," Santorum said.

Santorum spoke about family values, tax cuts and job creation. About 100 people attended the event, which was scheduled about 24 hours earlier.

"We're running a guerrilla campaign," Santorum said.