Dashboard cameras show wild chase as teens speed away from police in stolen car

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CLAYTON COUNTY, Ga. — Dashcam video captured police chasing three armed teens in a stolen car. The video shows the car weaving in and out of traffic.

'This is an extremely reckless situation, because, one, they're taking flight and they have weapons in their possession," Jonesboro Police Chief Franklin Allen told Channel 2's Tom Regan.

Soon after the chase begins, the stolen car veers to avoid Clayton County police cars trying to stop it and jump a curb.

The chase continues onto Tara Boulevard at speeds of 50-60 mph. The car weaves in and out of traffic, at one point nearly crashing into another patrol car.

"The frightful thing about this -- you don't know what their intent was, or where they were going or what they're going to do,' said Allen.


The video shows the stolen car racing into an apartment complex and then slowing down. Then, the three teens bail out and run away. The video then shows the car roll down a hill and into the side of an apartment building.

Jonesboro and Clayton County police quickly caught them, including the driver. He was later identified as Mekarrus Washington, 18.

Police recovered an air soft gun and two real handguns, one reportedly stolen.

"Both were illegally purchased off the street," Allen said.

The chief told Regan by making the arrest, they may have stopped a more serious crime.
"They may have been going to do a home invasion, and hopefully our intervention prevented anything further from happening," Allen said.

The chief called this a successful pursuit, especially because there was no serious damage or any injuries.