Child, 12, needs liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs

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BARTOW COUNTY, Ga — A Bartow County 12-year-old with a rare genetic disorder desperately needs help.

Dalton Robinson’s case is so rare, only 88 of these transplants have been done in the last 20 years. He is only one of a handful of people in the country who needs a multi-organ transplant.

In addition to that, the cost for Dalton’s care is covered by insurance, but the cost of surgery will run into the millions, and that’s not covered.

The only words he could say to Huddleston was, “just wrestling.”

Channel 2’s Dave Huddleston met Dalton Monday afternoon, he tried to interview him as he laid in his bed, but he was in too much pain.

Robinson lives with his grandmother. Zandra Williford said Dalton was born with this rare disorder and without a transplant; his chance of survival is slim.

The list of organs he needs just to live is quite long.

“He’s got to have a pancreas, intestine, a small bowel, kidneys, liver,” she said. "I can't even name the number of surgeries he's had, how many times he's been in ICU."

Williford said she’s fighting for him as hard as she can.

“He has not really had a childhood, for him to be able to ride a bike, for him to be able to go swimming, for him to be able to be around other children, for him to be out of pain,” Williford said. “Just the quality of life, just to be happy. He deserves that, that’s what I hope.”

Even eating normal foods like ice cream or pizza proves to be a challenge because all of his food goes through an IV.

“Financially, we went through all of our savings. We used credit cards, we’re making it. The Lord provides,” Williford said.