Board of Education: School districts to decide on make-up snow days

ATLANTA — There are new developments announced about how Georgia students will make up school days lost to snow and ice.
Channel 2 Action News was there as the Georgia Board of Education made a final vote on a plan.
The State Board of Education unanimously approved a measure that allows individual school districts to have the final say about make up days.
The measure is all about flexibility; Allowing schools districts to make the decision that works for them. The Board of Education unanimously approved a one page resolution opening up several possibilities for each individual school district.
Channel 2's Kerry Kavanaugh was inside the meeting when the measure was discussed late Thursday morning. The state superintendent John Barge said he has heard from several districts each having different needs. Most school districts build in four emergency days into their calendar, but with the storms in January and February, all have exceeded that.
"We are not saying to districts, 'you have to make it up or not for your district,'" Barge said.
The Board of Education is also offering some flexibility for when the school districts have to complete all standardized tests, like the CRCT.