Thieves use sledgehammer to break into Empty Stocking Fund warehouse, steal toys

ATLANTA — A local organization that helps provide toys for those in need during the holidays has become victim of a Grinch just days before Christmas.

The Empty Stocking Fund posted a photo on its Facebook page of a large hole that thieves smashed into one of the walls of its warehouse.

“The Grinch attempted to steal Christmas by sledge-hammering a giant hole in our warehouse’s cinderblock wall and helping himself to bags and bags of items,” the organization said on the fundraising page it has set up to help replace what was stolen.


“The loss of goods at this point of the season will be significant. The impact to the families yet to serve even more so. Our hearts are heavy,” the Empty Stocking Fund said in its Facebook post.

On its website, The Empty Stocking Fund said it invites parents and guardians of children up to 12 years old to shop for gifts for their children each December.

If you would like to help replace some of what was stolen, CLICK HERE.


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