6-foot snake caught after slithering through local neighborhood

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ATLANTA — Some residents living in a southeast Atlanta neighborhood are afraid of an unwelcome guest -- a big snake.

Neighbors believe it's either a python or a boa constrictor spotted under a porch along Lamon Avenue.

Channel 2’s Berndt Petersen asked Animal Control Wednesday if they've assigned anybody to trap it the snake yet, but they said nobody has called in to report it.

There have been tragic cases where large snakes have killed tiny children so neighbors are very concerned.

"I don't know. I'm getting away from him. I'm not gonna wrestle with him. He was here before me, more than likely. I'm gonna give him his space," neighbor Maurice Barnes told Petersen.

The close encounter was a few nights back and the homeowner snapped a couple of shots of the snake.   Betty Barnes lives right next door. %


"It's a little scary. I've never come up on a real python snake. I'll go to Zoo Atlanta. But not in a neighborhood," Barnes said.

The snake was a good 5-6 feet long and experts say it can be dangerous.

It was also spotted a few streets over behind a house along Monument Avenue.

Residents believe it was the reptile's owner who went door-to-door earlier this week asking if anybody had seen it.

"I'm a little skittish of reptiles anyway.  Especially snakes. I guess because they have no legs. I don't trust an animal with no legs," Barnes told Petersen.

Boas and pythons can legally be kept as pets, though many humane societies discourage it.

Petersen called Fulton County Animal Services and they said they're checking into this