How many digits of pi can you remember? This girl: 62

ATLANTA — After six weeks of learning, a 7 1/2-year-old Decatur girl showed off her math skills on National Pi Day.

Channel 2 Action News ran into the girl named Madison at the Atlanta Science Festival Tuesday evening.

Pi is the ratio used to compute the circumference, area and volume of circles — which is 3.14159 plus.

National Pi Day is actually a U.S. holiday, declared in 2009.

After six weeks of learning, a 7-and-a-half Decatur girl showed off her math skills on national Pi day.

The number goes on infinitely. Madison can name up to 62 digits: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445

Pi Day also is Albert Einstein's birthday. The German theoretical physicist was born on March 14, 1879.

According to the Pi Day website, "Pi has been calculated to over 1 trillion digits beyond its decimal point."