Atlanta City Council may vote on stadium deal Monday

ATLANTA — Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed says it is important to move forward with the new stadium project quickly so the facility will be complete by the 2017 NFL season.

Reed told Channel 2's Richard Elliot he was still deciding if he will ask the City Council to vote on the deal with the Falcons Monday afternoon.

"We're giving it thought, and obviously we're having conversations with council members right now, but the schedule is very important," Reed told Elliot.

The council began its meeting at 1 p.m.

When Reed proposes a vote, it would be to pass a resolution that would give the mayor the authority to float $200 million in bonds that would be paid back by the hotel/motel tax. The other $800 million for the project is being funded by the Atlanta Falcons and team owner Arthur Blank.

If the council votes on Monday, it will not take place until the end of the meeting.

A council member told Elliot he believes there's a more than 80 percent chance the stadium deal with go up for a vote on Monday. Another put the chance at more than 50 percent.

Elliot said sources told him Reed has nine votes in favor of the deal, enough to pass, but he wants to present a unified city government.

Check back with and watch Channel 2 Action News beginning at 4 p.m. for updates.