APS parents worry class sizes may not allow for proper social distancing

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ATLANTA — The Atlanta Public School district has opened its buildings once again to students. Parents and educators are voicing concerns on how the district will allow for the safe reopening of its facilities.

“Teachers have already started to call in and complain that their Principals are telling them they have 10 kids in a classroom or 8 kids in a classroom - and then when the kids actually show up they notice all the sudden I have 15 kids,” Georgia Federation of Teachers Verdaillia Turner said.

The teachers are asking Atlanta Public Schools leadership to give them accurate student class rolls. The district had a COVID task force visit classrooms and measure the square footage. This was done to determine how many students should safely be in a classroom.

APS has said no classrooms are over capacity at this time.


Sheila Cooper, a parent of 2 students at Jackson Elementary, says her kids have plenty of room to be socially distant. Cooper believes the kids are happier than ever with the return to the classroom.

“Being around other kids, being around their teacher and not on Zoom meetings. It’s night and day,” Cooper said.

It is possible that more students will be welcomed back into the classrooms next month. APS is committed to handling any issues if they should arise.

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