DeKalb neighbors want action on dangerous strip of road

DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. — Some DeKalb County homeowners are calling on their elected leaders to do something about what they call a "dangerous stretch" of road.

The residents say there are just too many accidents on North Druid Hills Road between North Valley Drive and North Druid Hills Circle.

The residents have even created a website called to highlight their plight and put pressure on the county to act.

"When you see the opening it's like going to the races, you just hit the gas and you've got to get out," resident Steven Bowden told Channel 2's Tony Thomas.

One resident takes the issue to heart.

Thomas Moon has fought the issue for decades. His little brother was killed by a passing car along the same stretch of road in 1976.

Moon still lives in the house he was raised in and drives by the spot almost daily.

"A traffic light would be preferable but a blinking light, something , to calm the traffic as it goes up and down Druid Hills," Moon said.

County spokesman Burke Brennan offered some hope in an emailed statement to Thomas.

"Traffic Engineering is taking a comprehensive look at this stretch of roadway in response to multiple requests. Staff is pulling accident reports in the area to undergird an analysis.

"This should take about two months to pull three years of accidents and perform an analysis.

"Previous studies have indicated that none of these intersections meet the minimum requirements as it pertains to traffic accidents to warrant a light.

"There are other issues to consider, including the  (as I recall -- even for correctable accidents) when the studies were performed. We will take another look at these studies.
"A preliminary observation indicates that the type of crash that is commonly reported- the left turning vehicle getting hit from behind while waiting in the fast lane to turn left will not be reduced/helped by the installation of a traffic signal. That would be best solved by a left turn lane.

"In short, this is a complicated issue for this area and we are looking at the big picture, but this will take some time to evaluate."

Residents want quicker action though.

Especially resident Amy Millican, who was rear-ended Monday as she tried to turn into her driveway. She was almost hit again as she drove a Channel 2 photographer around to explain the problem.

"So now I'm too busy looking in my rear-view mirror to make the left when I should have been able make the left, but the car behind me just about hit me that's why he's going so slow now right now," Millican said as she turned into her subdivision.

There was one fatal accident on the stretch of road earlier this month, but DeKalb police said the victim suffered a medical condition and the accident was not related to speed or the lack of stoplights in the area.

Officially, police report they only have one accident recorded this year on the section of North Druid Hills, but residents said they have witnessed many more than that.