Check your mail: Valpak may be sending you a $100 check!

Do you receive envelopes stuffed full of coupons from Valpak? There may be something even more valuable inside!

The direct mail and digital marketing company announced in a news release that it's randomly placing $100 checks in Valpak envelopes every month in 2018 in all 150 of its markets in the United States.

Valpak says the checks are made out to “Cash” and there’s no purchase necessary.

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It’s not a scam! Valpak is putting $100 checks in some coupon envelopes

The $100 Instant Win program isn’t new. Valpak has been doing it since 1988, but this is the first time that the giveaway is being offered in all Valpak markets at the same time.

Your odds of winning are roughly 1 in 50,000, according to USA Today.

Valpak says there are no strings attached. The program is meant to reward consumers for opening their envelopes and looking through the money-saving offers.

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