Argument with celebrity hairstylist turns to gunfire over hairdo

ATLANTA — Two different reality stars faced a real life danger when a disagreement over hair turned to gunfire in Buckhead.

Atlanta police sources tell Channel 2's Ryan Young they are looking for a gun-toting hair stylist who got mad when his client went to someone else for help.

Celebrity hair stylist Derrick Jay makes regular appearances on "Real Housewives of Atlanta" and has appeared in the movie "Good Hair."

He's no stranger to the camera but tells Young he's not happy about how his salon was attacked Wednesday.

"I'm upset because my floor is messed up now," Jay told Young.

A gunshot mark can still be seen in his floor. Atlanta police sources told Young, Nefe, who is the sister of R&B superstar Keisha Cole, stopped at the salon to get some hair work done after not liking the work of a crosstown stylist.

"Her (hair was) messed up to the point we didn't know what to do. So I was just like, reach out to the stylist and say 'Hey, what did you use, what did you do?" and it turned from a professional conversation to more of an argument but we thought it was done," Jay said.

"A few hours later a gentleman shows up, the other stylist, wanting to talk and started an argument. I asked him to leave," owner Lisa McCall said.

Workers at the salon told Young the other stylist waved his gun around the shop.

"Before turning away, he waved the gun in my face and said, 'You don't think I will?' And I backed up," McCall said.

"And we know who the person is. And then when he did come, we knew it wasn't a good thing when he came, but we thought it was going to be a quick exchange with words and then he was going to be gone. So, nobody really knew he would pull out a gun," Jay said.

Jay said he wants the other stylist off the streets. So far, police have not made an arrest in the incident.