Samantha Bee slams President Trump's executive order as 'the next worst thing'

According to Samantha Bee, President Trump "fixed" things with his executive order halting the separation of children from their illegal immigrant parents along the southwest border. But as she told Wednesday's "Full Frontal viewers," he's "fixed it with the next worst thing."

"Yay! No more baby internment camps," she facetiously celebrated, "just regular internment camps."

"To be clear, I am happy that at least these kids are theoretically are gonna stay with their parents," she added, "but Mommy & Me Jails are not a solution.”

Bee had one solution: rethink social media campaigns. "We really need to be more specific with our hashtags," she said. "#KeepFamilesTogetherButNotInJailYouMonsterWhatIsWrongWithYou"

There is confusion surrounding the executive order. Hours after the president issued the directive at the White House, there was still no indication that the detained children — some of them toddlers and infants — would be immediately reunited with their parents. The directive, which was intended to relieve a deepening humanitarian crisis on the border, only seemed to raise additional questions about how the policy would be implemented and who would be covered by it.

The late-night host concluded with giving her thoughts on the "cruel" zero tolerance policy. "We don't need to have that kind of policy against people who come to America seeking a better life or protection from violence in their home country."

Contributing: Kevin Johnson, Brad Heath, Julie Garcia, John C. Moritz, Javier Arce, Eliza Collins, Deirdre Shesgreen