
Parents protest moldy school

Parents and community leaders protested outside an Atlanta School Board meeting Monday evening, demanding students be relocated from a high school undergoing treatment for mold issues.
"The children should be relocated. Anytime you find mold, the first procedure is relocation," said protestor Nathaniel Dyer.

ATLANTA — Parents said they want the school board to relocate students at Booker T. Washington High School in Southwest Atlanta be to a nearby school or bused to the new North Atlanta High School until the problem is fixed.

Parents showed pictures of mold-covered student uniforms and moldy walls to Channel 2 Action News.
The school system brought in cleaning and air filtration equipment last weekend to address four locations of mold concern. School officials said those areas will remain closed until they are tested Monday night or Tuesday morning to insure they pose no health risk to students.
But activists said they won't feel assured until an outside evaluation of the mold contamination is made.
"We want a third party to come in after they remediate this situation to see if it's OK for the students to come in." said Dyer.
Dyer and others planned to speak before the Atlanta School Board, which agreed to discuss their concerns at a scheduled board meeting.