
Missing car titles prompt criminal investigation

CARTERSVILLE Ga.- — Police are investigating the North Georgia Financing and Auto Sales company because customers never received titles to the cars they purchased.

"They were unable to register their vehicles because they were not getting their titles after they purchased," said Cartersville Police Capt. Amanda Pettepher. "They bought and paid for a vehicle that they can't take on the roadways."

Former customer Susan Lapier said the owner of the car lot promised for a month to get her the title. But a tow truck showed up at her home Monday night and towed away her SUV.

Lapier showed Channel 2 Action News a sales receipt for $3,007 showing she paid cash for the vehicle. Lapier said she the dealer did not deliver payment to the SUV's previous owner.

"I'm out," she said. "I don't have a vehicle. They came and got it. And there's nothing I can do right now. It hurts because I have two children, doctor's appointments, school and no way to get them around."

Police are looking for the dealership's owner after it abruptly closed last Friday and all vehicles on the lot were removed.

Police said six customers have come forward about not receiving the titles to vehicles they purchased and there may be as many as a dozen. They expect to issue an arrest warrant once the investigation is complete.

Miranda Smith's car was also repossessed because she never received a title. She told Channel 2's Tom Regan the repossession caused her to lose a $2,000 down payment.

"Angry is not even the word," she said. "I'm upset, I've cried, I'm devastated. It's a pretty car, but it's not doing me any good sitting over in an impound lot."