
Guilty verdicts in Georgia militia plot

GAINESVILLE, Ga. — Two north Georgia men have been found guilty on charges related in a plot targeting the federal government.

Ray Adams, 57, and Samuel Crump, 70, were found guilty on charges of conspiracy and possession of ricin in natural form. Adams was found not guilty on attempted possession.

Prosecutor Bill McKinnon set out evidence on a table in front of the jury, including: an identical ricin recipe found at both defendants' homes; shelled castor beans, the main ingredient in ricin, found at both homes; acetone, an ingredient in ricin production, found at Adams' home; rubber gloves to protect hands from the toxin found at Crump's home.

McKinnon reminded the jury of secretly taped conversations from 2011 between a group of men that sometimes included Adams and Crump in which the men could be heard discussing their hatred of the federal government, the possibility of using ricin against government targets, their willingness to kill and steps they would need to take make the poison.

The other two men, Dan Roberts and Frederick Thomas, pleaded guilty in April 2012 to conspiring to get an unregistered explosive and an illegal gun silencer. Story sentenced them each to serve five years in prison.